Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why site CPTs on school and park grounds?

But why the schools and town-owned properties such as parks?

Budgets are almost never, ever cut. No matter what anyone tells you that how hard the whole nation or world is doing a budget cut, budget cuts are almost never, ever successful. People simply cannot agree to cut their own pay. There are always reasons for not cutting this and that. People simply cannot agree to cut spendings, especially in their own department.

So more money has to come in from somewhere. And money with minimal work is most welcome.

Schools are the easiest target, especially in the economic downturns.

We cut number of teachers. We increase the number of students in class. We reduce the after school activities. But the higher up, the so-called support network bureaucrats are never reduced. In fact, if you dig deep enough, they probably have automatic pay raises like the senate and congress.

Parents are concerned that their children are not getting the competitive edge and attention at school if there are too many kids in a class. Parents are worried about having to pay for school after having to pay taxes that supposedly support the school system. Parcel tax? Direct drives?

So, if the FCC says its safe, who are we to argue about free money?

The School Board and the City Council are in with cell phone operators and tower builders for the money. The people who are supposedly working for us are falling for CPT builders' plot to deploy as many CPTs as possible during this economic crunch. These builders don't even have to build them now. Once approved, these CPTs and approvals will be "grandfathered" even if the FCC changes its ruling tomorrow. Therefore, these CPT builders are seeking out sites even though there is no need for them today.

Sunnyvale is not rich. But it is not poor. It is a working class city. It should be a city that can stand on its own feet. Not a city that would risk the children's future in return for money. It is despicable for the School Board and City Council to approve of CPTs in schools.

How can we hold these people accountable for their decisions? As with leaded gasoline case, effects of CPTs will be slow, "very slow gestation of that toxicological syndrome"It is impossible to hold these people accountable.

Schools and parks are easy targets because nobody is looking. Schools and parks are so-called transient properties. Nobody lives in them. Nobody needs to be notified according to FCC regulations. These properties are owned by a town and ran with money from taxes. One can say nobody owns these properties. One can also argue that every resident of Sunnyvale owns these properties.

If you want cell phones, you will have to accept Cell Phone Towers. But err on the safe side, put the CPTs somewhere else, away from schools, parks and places where children gather.

Don't let those making the decisions get away with being irresponsible. Use your voice as the people of Sunnyvale.

Sign the petition.

Go to the protest. Children are welcome.

Stay tuned for these coming events, get involved in your local groups, or do it yourself. Do something!

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