The Sunnyvale School District (SSD) has granted AT&T the permission to propose the building of a 65 foot tall Cell Phone Tower (CPT) on the field of Sunnyvale Middle School (SMS) at 1080 Mango Ave.
1000 students between the ages of 11 through 14 attend SMS from 8:25am till 3:15pm.
While research of the effects of emissions from CPTs on children have just started in recent years in the USA, countries in Europe have long since banned the construction of CPTs near schools and heavily populated residential areas. CPTs emit radiations that may be linked to leukemia and other cancers, neurological and cognitive impairment, sleep issues and behavioral problems, and DNA damage.
Long term studies published recently in Europe have shown elevated cancer in homes within 1300 feet of CPTs. (See German study)
1. Why risk with the lives of our children who should live another 60-80 years and who have the right to grow to their fullest potential?
2. The location is not suitable because it is a thoroughfare for foot-traffic. AT&T's CPT site sits on the foot path connecting one of baseball diamond to the oval track. There is also an entrance to SMS next to the tennis courts on West Remington Drive, right at that same foot path.
3. While SSD insists it is doing a community service instead of eyeing the around $24K per year lease income, it admits the extra income doesn't hurt. We have to ask, is it worth experimenting with our children's lives? (for community service, see point #4)
4. AT&T is inconsistent with its claim of the goal of this CPT. First it claims that this CPT will improve AT&T's coverage within 0.5 miles outdoor or 0.34 miles indoor from this CPT. When showned the signal strength coverage map from AT&T's official website, AT&T's rep changes the story to "anticipation of future needs" and "to make sure 911 calls will be routed promptly with the cell phone congestions". AT&T Engineer also claimed there are no alternate sites that would fullfill the criteria given to him.
5. There are alternatives. The first alternative is for AT&T to rent antenna from another CPT. There is one on South Bernardo, which is less than a mile away from SMS. The other alternative is for AT&T to build its tower at the shopping area on Fremont Ave and South Mary Ave.
6. CPTs are ugly even when dressed like a tall pine tree. It devalues real estate property values.
Note: Across the street on the other side of the school, two apartment buildings will be much closer than 200 feet from the CPT.
See photos from inside SMS with the CPT.
The CPT is less than 1000 feet away from most of the grounds and classrooms of the school.
Note: RF signal level typically reaches maximum around 100 meters (328 feet) but can be anywhere between 50 meters to 400 meters (164 - 1312 feet) (Beam of greatest intensity).
The CPT is in the middle of the well-traveled paths of heavy foot traffic from:
1. Baseball diamond to oval track, and
2. Entrance to the school by the tennis courts on W. Remington Drive.